
Dorian is registered for two young people and is situated in a semi-rural area with easy access to direct open country side. The home is ideal for young people with very challenging behaviours who need high levels of supervision and structure in order to remain safe while acquiring the skills they require to move successfully into adulthood.

The home currently specialises in working with young people who display extremely challenging behaviours, struggle with attachment difficulties, pose risk to others, and have autistic spectrum disorders.

The home has been recognised for its multi-agency working practice which has helped to generate some outstanding outcomes for its young people. Our commitment to high warmth and high control interventions, enable young people to build on the positives of small group living, achieve success, develop self-esteem and confidence.

Dorian has a great record of stabilising even the most disruptive and challenging young people to enable them to benefit from being looked after.

For a copy of our ‘Statement of Purpose’ please send a request via our ‘Contact Us‘ page.

The home was graded as ‘Outstanding’ in November……..Ofsted 2015